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Executive Summary
The goal of this report is to highlight the Incredible’s commitment to the Department of the Navy (DON) in their request for a distributed learning leadership course for Junior Officers (JO). All concerns of the DON will be addressed regarding the unique challenges of distance education (DE) as it relates to the JO’s worldwide active duty status. The Incredible's are proposing a self-paced Web Based Training/Computer Based Training (WBT/CBT) initiative. The proposed Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI) will accommodate JOs in achieving their leadership training objectives, regardless of their active duty situation.
Section Summaries
Needs Assessment: In an attempt to identify whether the DON’s request for a distributed learning leadership course for JOs was based on a performance or training problem, a needs assessment was undertaken. This needs assessment was accomplished by analyzing such sources as readiness review and, staff reports, as well as actual comments from Field Commanders.
Needs Analysis: The needs analysis reveals that the (DON’s) problem is one of performance, which can be resolved through training of the identified groups.
Instructional Objectives and Strategies: Prerequisite requirements for the target audience, as well as a review of existing naval instructional material and courseware are explored.
Development of Test Items: This section addresses how test items assess the attainment of the learning objectives (LO) and match the performance required in the LO (including learning type and learning level).
Instructional Strategies: Student participation, feedback and pacing strategies, instructional methods, as well as cost-efficiency considerations, and the return on investment (ROI) are discussed.
Instructional Media: The IMI products are identified including: the electronic management system, as well as other digital materials that will be required to successfully implement this IMI.
Formative and Summative Evaluations: Students will complete a formative evaluation at the completion of each module, and a summative evaluation upon completion of the course. The feedback will be used to improve future leadership courses.
Executive Summary: Conclusions & Recommendations:
This IMI has been designed to meet all of the objectives and concerns made known by the DON. In addition, the Incredibles have identified other issues not noted by DON along with appropriate solutions to make this IMI more accessible and beneficial to the target audience. The Incredibles are prepared to implement this IMI initiative immediately upon DON approval.
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